May 31, 2012

Today I watch, Tomorrow I dance

Shhh... Don’t tell anyone that I have watched these video maybe more than 10 times. How brilliant & creative are the choreography on these videos.  Very Unique, Kudos to them! Few things in life that I find beautiful & inspiring are music & dance. Maybe deep in me I have a secret wish to become a dancer :).

May 30, 2012

Shopping Tips

Every time when I saw the discount signs & sales banner, I'll start jumping around like a silly bunny. On top of that my heart will start beating fast. I guess that is one of the reasons why I don't go to gym.  I do my exercise in the mall when I shop. I walk the entire mall (which I think equal like walking on the treadmill) with shopping bags in my hand (which equal like doing some cardio ;D ). When it comes to shopping women can become crazy!!! (Please excuse our behaviour) I guess men laughing on the floor looking at our reaction when we shop. They never understand why women think Sales is like a war battles. 

I want to share with you, what I usually do before & when I go shopping. 

1.     First of all, I need to know how much I am willing to spend and keep remind myself to STICK TO IT! 
2.     Prepare myself. When there are Sales-- clothes flying everywhere, no shop assistant to spare, women can get uncontrollable brutal & too many people.  So keep calm and carry on.  
3.     Wear clothing that I can easily take on & off. So that it will be easier for me to try clothes.
4.     Eat before I go shopping because if not my tummy will sounds like nagging grumpy old women that make me not able to concentrate when I shop.
5.     When it comes to what to buy. I always know what I want. So I always directly head first to the store and avoid being distracted by everything else.  So I tend to go to the store that I like the best.
6.     Keep telling myself to be realistic. Buy something that I will wear & use. Stay true to my style. Don’t get swayed by trends that are not for me. 
7.     Mental note to myself only to buy things that genuinely make my heart flutter & not just because it is nice.
8.     Never buy things that I might want just because it is on sale. But things that I am sure.
9.     Buy little but buy the best quality I can afford. This way I can spend less, things will last longer and the things I own will never look cheap. ( Thanks God, I finally learnt this!)
10. Last but not least, Dear my own people never go shopping when you are tired or depressed. This sound logical but many women think a little shopping will raise their spirits. Trust me it won’t! You will tend to buy something that you do not need. When you come home & try. Nothing will look good on you & at the end you become more depressed.

May 29, 2012

Emotion Expression

Good Tuesday Morning lovelies & welcome to the brand new week. 
I’m starting my day on a high note & feeling so blessed. While browsed in my picture album last night. I found this video. Enjoy taking a peek of what i was wearing!

I was wearing Society  Dress, Delila Petite Collection 2012. 
The Bing Yellow Bangles, Delila Jewellery Collection 2012 ( COMING SOON!)

Also today I am so honoured to be part of Her Rambling Blog in The One Who Got Away series. Totally I did a happy dance when Hadifah asked me to share. To read more, feel free to go Here


May 28, 2012

I made....

Leave me alone & I start making things.  Can you see the beading on this baju kurung(below)? Yes that's what I did for the last few weeks. 





I Do Drink Coffee & I Am a Coffee Drinker.


I often ask myself, if I had to choose between coffee here & tea which would it be? And for me it certainly will be COFFEE. Why is it I like coffee (with milk) so much?  

I like the taste of coffee. 
There is something magical about it. 
Its wake me up in the morning. 
It first sips 
 the aroma reminds me that all will be well & I deserve the best for myself. 
Latte & Mocha is my favourite. 
But Hazelnut Latte is my most favourite.


May 24, 2012

Lovely Morning, Love Morning!

I love MORNING. I love the feeling of waking up in the morning.
Made my bed here,
Open up the curtains in the morning.  
The sounds of the bird chipping & the way the sun is shining.


The view of my room.

May 21, 2012

Gardening {Part 3}


I always noticed FLOWERS. 
They never failed to put a smile on my face & make me happy.
They add instant joy to my life. read here
My very favourite flowers are lily, rose & orchid




Gardening {Part 2}

Hello everybody!
Checkout who else was enjoying herself when I did gardening.  Oh yes that’s my cat’s Coco! She was sniffing, rolling, running & hiding while I was busy stressing myself digging the soil & figuring out what tool to use. Sigh! 

P1050391 P1050393 P1050382

I love this little crazy monster. I think she’s one of the cutest things in my life.


May 20, 2012

Gardening (Part 1)

One day I’m making dresses. The next day I designing & then working for my jewelleries.  But this weekend it’s different I’m gardening.  Did I enjoy it? YES. Did I complaint? YES, I was sweating a lot, it was hot, and the mosquitoes bite me & bla bla bla. Did I learn anything? I hope so. Am I fit to take gardening as my hobby? NO WAY!
So Guys, go do something outside! Vitamin D does give a happy hormone to me so it might do the same thing to you. Happy Sunday!


ps: I simply wore Leopard pattern dress to match my mood in gardening. :P


May 19, 2012

Oh Breakfast!



Hello BREAKFAST, I love you & I could eat you for every meal!
I made giant egg puff. Of course with grandma staring next to me ! -_-' 
Have a bless weekend lovelies.


May 18, 2012

The Soul is Healed by Being with Children.



I was wearing GlamouRama Dress, Delila Petite Collection. If you like to see more Here.

This is one & only baby that I ever babysit in my life which is my cousin's A.  I babysitter him since he was 3 months. Of course with my aunt next to me to make sure I didn't drop him. Before this I never babysit anyone children in my life. It’s not that I’m running from babysitting.  I tell you what, I’m not good with babies read here & I’m afraid I’m the one who will end up crying cos the thought of the baby’s crying scared me. Few times I did babysit Cousin A. So now I realized that I enjoy playing time with him rather than feeding time, cleaning time & sleeping time 

Oh My Goodness, now I can say that I have so much respect for parents especially mothers. Happy Friday Lovelies & welcome to the weekend. 


May 14, 2012

Let Your Colour Burst



I was wearing PopCircles Dress, Delila Petite Collection. 
 If you like to know more about sunglasses read here
Feel free to check out here for behind the scenes of this dress. 


May 11, 2012

Like Mother, Like Daughter


It’s a Mother Day this weekend!

Happy Mother’s Day to My Beautiful Mother. She is such a special lady & loving mother. I’m thankful to have been raised by such a graceful, kind & loving women like you.  She’s that person I can rely on, confide in & comfortable to talk too although we both disagree with some matters. She’s been my biggest fan & support system in my life. I owe so much to you mum. I don’t know what I have done in my previous life but I’m so bless to have you in my life. Thanks for giving me the world. Today I can say proudly that you’re one of my best friends, a sister than I never have & I love you so much.

(Ps- Oh dear, she’d kill me/panicking/going to faint, if she knew I posted about her)

( Your Spoiled Lovely Daughter)  

May 9, 2012

In My Makeup Bag

Although I’m really not big into makeup, I thought today I would share makeup products that I used. I don’t wear much makeup in my everyday life and sometimes I just skip wearing them. So most of the time, I follow the same routine, I wash my face, put on some moisturizer & apply just enough makeup so that I look put together. So these are some of the products that I used. 


My Favourite Shades of Lipsticks.

Concealer & Foundation


Eye Shadows & Blushes

Mascara & Brow Pencil


May 7, 2012

NEW! Delila Designs Custom Gift Box

Hello Lovelies, It’s a brand new week. As I promise last few weeks (previous posts) Delila Designs going to launch a new product online for SHOP DELILA DESIGNSSo today I decide to launch Delila Designs new product SHOP GIFT BOXESI added 4 gift boxes to Delila Designs Shop Gift Boxes. Feel free to click & have a look at my new product line. 

If you are my frequent blog reader you could see some changes in the layout of this blog. I’m thrill to share my site redesign. I hope you enjoy the upgrade of Delila Designs Blog & Shop. Thank you all for your support for my work.  I’m glad I finally had the time to get it all together!


May 3, 2012

Creative Moment

I leave you with few photos of my recent project...





May 2, 2012

Dear Chanel, I Adore You!

I’ve been sick with fever, cough & flu. It’s been a week. I have no idea why my body being so fragile & spoilt lately, it been a long time I didn't get sick.  I tell you it’s NOT FUN! I want to sleep. All the time. Now I feel like I'm turning to be a sleeping beauty. My bed is my kingdom & my beautiful fairy dress is my pyjamas (I miss my real clothes. I miss heels...I miss wearing heels)
So to inject the sense of glamorous in my life I have devoting today’s goggling at designer clothes, style fashion & anything beautiful to look at. I came across Paris-Bombay Runway photos by Chanel. I’m in love with all the clothes & jewelleries. Couldn't resist myself from sharing it with my lovely reader.  Enjoy! 



