Oct 25, 2012

and...Happy Birthday to My Little Primadonna too!

Happy Birthday Coco! 
Hooray! She’s turning 2 this month. Love this little Primadonna Cat like crazy, the very first and only cat that I ever loved. Thank you for always putting smiles on my face. 

5 Things I learned from having a cat

From Coco...I learn that I need to cherish & rejoice every moment of my life although it’s just a simple ordinary situation. For a cat every morning is Christmas morning. Every walk is the best walk. Every meal is the best meal.

From Coco...I learn to listen. Make the time to lend an ear to those you love or those who want to transform their lives. But don’t try to fix their problems, and don’t take their problems personally, either. But just listen.

From Coco...I learn to trust my instincts. Cat doesn’t care about words. They recognize the interaction of body language and energy.

From Coco...I learn to live in the moment. Cats live in the moment. They don’t regret the past or worry about the future. They focus to appreciate and focus on what’s happening in here and now.

From Coco... I learn to show my love to others. Coco always happily jumps at me, lick me, wait for me & look at me like I carry the key of Universal Happiness every time she sees me, even if I gone for just few hours. Doesn’t that make me happy? 

Few Photos of Coco in action.




Thank you Lord for giving me a cat like Coco.

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