Choosing a right
fabric is actually one of the important aspect.
If you look carefully you’re surrounded by it, from the moment you dress
in the morning to the time you rest your head on your pillow at night. How much
do we know about fabric?
Silk. As we all know silk is comfortable to wear, soft and
cool the body. Silk is a luxury fabric that has smooth feel and light shine. I
found that when you wear dress that made from silk, it actually sit nicely on
you. But it is expensive and high maintenance. Usually silk need to dry clean
and now a day there are few new silks that can hand washed. I think this fabric
is meant for female. It enhances the femininity and it looks elegant on women.
Cotton. Cotton fabric is the staples fabric types. It is
comfortable, flexible, lightweight and affordable. They use this cotton fabric
most for men’s dress shirts. I think it because the material is easy to
maintain. When we talk of protection, cotton fabrics are there to offer that.
When we talk of comfort, cotton materials are totally incomparable. It suits an
easy going person who likes to kick back, relax and feel good.
Linen. What can I say about linen? Because it is expensive,
it is famous among certain people. It wrinkle easily and ironing linen is a
great deal of work. But it can cool your body and like cotton it breathes. The
quality has made it popular in hot climates. These fabrics need high
maintenance. Linen should be hung in a closet, rather than folded away in a
drawer. The reason is because linen fabric can break if folded in the same
place too often.
Personally, I always choose dress that made from cotton for
every day wear and silk when there is a special occasion. There are few of my
dress that is made from mix fabric like cotton with polyester, rayon and nylon.
I don’t really know about man-made fabric. So I can’t say much about it. But
from my experience when I wear man-made fabric, I can feel that it is not as
comfortable as natural fabric. I think it is because it doesn't breathe which
means it retain body heat.
I hope there is something in here that helps you out. I love
little details; I believe that details make the difference in everything we do.